I'm here for you

I want to hear from you. Please reach out with questions, suggestions, challenges and celebrations. Medicine Circle members are my priority and expect to hear back from me in 24 to 48 hours (Monday to Friday).

Support questions

  • How can I cancel my membership?

    You can cancel your subscription to the Medicine Circle any time by going to "My Account" on the side menu, click on "Billing", and under "Subscriptions" you can click cancel. Once you cancel your subscription, you will retain access to the Medicine Circle until your current subscription period ends. You are welcome to rejoin at a later date. Please cancel BEFORE your next payment is due and aim for 24 hours in advance due to different time zones. You do retain access to the Medicine Circle until your next payment is due, so you can cancel as far in advance as you would like.

  • I would like to cancel within the 14 day money back guarantee period.

    Please email me so I can issue a refund.

  • How long do I have access to Medicine Circle lessons?

    You have access for as long as you are a member. It is like a Netflix or gym membership and the price is based on what a person can feasibly do in a month vs the full value of all the courses and lessons in the membership.

  • What if I have a failed payment?

    The system will automatically retry the payment 4 times over a period of 3 weeks and then it suspends access to the Medicine Circle lessons. You can renew your subscriptions yourself from their billing page after a payment fails by clicking the Renew button. If you have any challenges, please contact me.